
All (or perhaps most) of the content of this blog is fiction and is to be used for entertainment only.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Mission - pt 6 Coale's Escape

When Coale dived off the bridge, he cut his shin badly against a bulwark supporting the bridge.  This disabled his swimming powers, and he floated down the river on his back, only his face being above the water.  He went down quietly, not making an effort to swim as any movement would point him out immediately to his late masters. Except for the pain in his leg, and the anxiety which he entertained about me, he was comparatively comfortable.  The air had a chill, but the water was not cold, for it had been an exceptionally warm day for December.  After the last sounds of the searchers had died away, Coale laid still, for he knew that once out of the water he would be cold indeed, and he might catch pneumonia from being so wet out in the cold night air.  But also he knew that he was losing blood, and if he stayed on in the water he would soon be too weak to sustain any hope of survival in the woods that bordered the river.  Presently however, as he was debating the question with himself, Coale heard a distant hubbub of voices, and saw a faint glow of light through the trees around a bend in the river.  Retaining his position on his back, Coale swam with his arms, using the paddle wheel technique he had learned as a boy.  But after a minute of thus exerting himself, he was nearly exausted, and coming to the realization that he was much weaker from loss of blood than he had previously supposed, he lay quiet again, letting the river carry him on its shoulders to the desired location.

  The river was a slow one, a tributary of the Sharklett, and it was five minutes before Coale was brought to the light.  The scene was a pleasant one, it was the departing of a considerable group of people in boats from a large house set a hundred paces from the river's edge.  There had apparently been some sort of party going on, for there was a large bonfire positioned inside a circle of log benches, some of which were still occupied.  The party on the dock were loading into boats to go to their respective places of dwelling.  A strange feeling of leftoutedness and hesitant shyness came over Coale, and despite the weakness caused by loss of blood, he crawled out of the water and crept behind a bush so as not to be observed by the departing guests.

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